Creative ability is something every person possesses, whether they know it or not, and the benefits that come with unleashing your creative side is something the women behind Brush Party are passionate to share.
Artist Vanessa Allegra and fellow creative and co-director Sandy Cappetta’s passion for making their Brush Party Events feel special radiates through everything they do. From the black envelopes with gold tickets and wax seals to the reveal of their canvases – every little detail is meticulously planned to bring together an exquisite event.
But their excitement for event planning is exceeded only by their passion for the arts.
“A lot of people have that stigma that art is only for artists, so a big thing for us is breaking that barrier down and showing art is for everyone,” Sandy said.
Brush Party is an event where guests can come along on their own, or with a group of friends, to enjoy a social evening of painting.
“It’s a safe space because we take away the intimidating parts, like blank page syndrome, so we pre-draw the canvases and pre-select the image to be painted, so all guests need to do is show up, sit down, enjoy your evening, have a drink, relax and do some painting. And at the end of the night, every single person will take home something beautiful that they did themselves.”
Vanessa said it was a great way to try painting without having to own all the materials and equipment and without wondering where to start.
“We get people who have never painted or picked up a brush in their adult life. They are always the ones who are the most nervous, but at the end of it they are the ones who are most proud of their paintings because they actually did it – they painted it, mixed colours, they made it,” Vanessa said.
While the event centres on creating an art piece, Vanessa can’t help but impart her art knowledge.
“Because I am a professional painter and I know some of these ladies are going to want to go home and try painting themselves, I always try and tell them – this is the type of brush you should use if you want to go home, and try this type of palette, this is a good type of paint to use,” Vanessa said.
The women are also advocates for the benefits creativity and art can bring to guests, with most finding it meditative to shut the world out for a few hours and only think about what they are doing.
“There has been a lot of studies about art therapy and the benefit it has on people, so to have that creative outlet it is just so important,” Sandy said.
Having adapted to online events with hand-delivered art kits to participants during Covid-19, the women were excited to branch out into private events such as hens nights, birthday parties, corporate and team building events, in addition to their monthly art events.