
It’s the Netflix of restorative dentistry. An online membership with access to a growing content library of learn-on-demand videos, as well as an online education program that’s up-ending the way dentists hone their skills. And it’s all happening from offices at Bargara.

RipeGlobal, a concept created by brothers Lincoln and Cam Harris (pictured), is already delivering its unique dental education to dentists in more than 40 countries in only its second year of business. In 2022 the company is expecting to double their number of students and is on track to grow revenue by 200 per cent. 

The start-up had been incubating as an idea for many years, but it was the national COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 that gave dentist Linc the time to launch the business. In a changed world, where working remotely became the norm and large professional conferences were all but gone, the time was right for a unique platform to launch, which evolved the traditional methods of teaching to one that emphasised a repetitive, hands-on approach. 

“We are radically improving the way dentists learn. Dentistry is known to be a high-stress profession, and inoculating dentists against the stressors in dentistry has been largely ignored. We incorporate specialised methods of teaching which adapt the dentists to stress in their job, as well as provide a community of support, where they can share their challenges and learn together. We include a high level of hands-on repetitive training in procedures and techniques, so when they return to their clinic, dentists feel calm and confident because of the ‘muscle memory’ gained from this kind of learning,” Linc said.

RipeGlobal is technologically advanced, combining analytics-supported learning, trademark simulated laboratories and a seamless integrated learning platform. With a strong emphasis on community engagement and round-the-clock support from mentors and master educators across 17 countries, the company can deliver education to any location, at any time. 

As RipeGlobal concentrates on moving through the phases of a tech start-up, the long-term mission is to make dental education accessible for all, including students in developing countries. It’s an ambitious plan for a Regional Queensland start-up, but not an unachievable one.

“We have a strong history of successful national and international businesses in this Region,” Linc said. “The support you have in a regional community is also different. People are invested in your success. As we go through our capital raising process, we are incredibly proud that 60 per cent of our current investors are based in the Bundaberg Region.” 

