Children face many transitions in their lives. Some of the more stressful times are during school years – moving from Kindy to Prep and Year 6 to Year 7 – where physically changing schools is usually required.
At St Luke’s we have been able to ease the biggest transition from Year 6 to Year 7, by giving students the option of starting at St Luke’s in Year 5.
Changing schools in preparation for middle and secondary school gives children the time and opportunity to manage and adjust. We constantly see the benefit to students as they learn how our St Luke’s way of Faith, Performance and Honour, guides our approach within the school community.
By building on these pillars with children we are able to provide a steady platform for them to progress across St Luke’s. Students are able to form strong bonds with peers while becoming ready for Year 7. They become fluent in digital technology, which assists them moving from primary to middle school.
Children are also more comfortable moving around our campus, more comfortable with staff and have benefited from our many transition activities offered across Year 5 and Year 6.
We are proud that children feel a connection and a sense of belonging at St Luke’s, due to the strength of our ongoing educational programs, pastoral care and staff who are genuinely interested in their students’ wellbeing. These attributes are integral for them to grow and flourish at St Luke’s.
In middle school, students face pressures that are difficult to deal with such as adolescent changes, peer group pressure, increased physical self-consciousness and vulnerability to embarrassment. By providing a seamless transition by joining St Luke’s in Year 5, it is clear that academically, emotionally and socially, the children easily move across our school rather than facing transition obstacles in Year 7.