
You’ve got a great looking website that has all the bells and whistles. But what do the words on the pages say about your business?

Beautiful design and professional photographers may look great on the web, but they alone won’t sell your product or business to potential customers and clients – it is the words, or copy, on your website that will.

Here are the reasons why it is important to make sure your website copy tells the story of your business.

First impressions count

Your website may be the first interaction people have with your business. Do you want your first impression to be hard to understand or bland copy, or content that is engaging and keeps them clicking through?

Your website is more than just a brochure

Think of your website as an always-on sales consultant – it should be convincing potential customers why they should pick your business. Or it should be selling them on the added benefits or services they get with you.

Provide a customer experience

When a potential customer or client meets with you, what kind of experience do you provide them? Do you put your best foot forward, dazzle them with your expertise and hit them with a soft (or hard) sales pitch? Your website should do the same with its copy. If your copy is the bare minimum, just covers your bases and boring, your website is falling short and doing your business a disservice.

Readability is important

Website copy needs to be written clearly, in simple terms that people can understand and digest quickly. If it is not easy or interesting to read, or is full of technical terms and jargon, you will quickly turn off your reader.

Have a purpose 

You have a website for a reason, and your copy needs to reflect that reason. People will come to your website looking for something – make sure your website copy provides them with the answer to what they are looking for.

At Crush Communications, we believe that great stories need great storytellers. We have more than 30 years’ experience in journalism, marketing and public relations and are the proud owners of Crush Magazine. Telling stories is what we do. If you are doing a new website or a refresh, we can help to make sure your copy sings.